Dengue Fever is a severe, flu-like illness that is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito (the insect has distinct black and white markings on its legs and body) and can cause vomiting, fever, headaches, fatigue, and muscle and joint pain. With a recent sharp uptick in cases on the island, it’s vital to avoid mozzie bites.

Here are some tips for steering clear of the disease.

Dengue Prevention 

  • Avoid mosquito bites by applying insect repellent
  • Wear long, covered clothing while outdoors
  • Sleep under nets or air-conditioned rooms
  • Secure window and door screens
  • Frequently check and remove stagnant water from your home
  • Avoid cluster areas by checking
  • An approved dengue vaccine is available for 12-45-year olds. Consult your doctor to find out if you are suitable.

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