Theme: At Home
Masks, by Kate Taylor
“A splash of colour to brighten up circuit breaker mask wearing!”

Date Night, by Heidi Hutchison
“Our children decided they would give us a date night, despite being stuck at home, and set us up a table on our rooftop patio, complete with menus, flowers and candles. The menu was Steak and Chips, followed by Lemon Delicious pudding.”

Jenga, by Silvia Hajas
“Jenga is one of the many games we’ve been enjoying as a family during the CB. Steady hands all around meant that this precarious position of the Jenga pieces made for a lot of exclamations until it finally toppled.”

Theme: Closed
Last Coffee Before Closing, by Kate Taylor
“This photo was captured spur of the moment on my phone. It was the last coffee before the cafes closed for circuit breaker.”

Palawan Beach, by Drew Wratt
“This photo was taken at Palawan Beach, Sentosa, the same day as the beach was closed. On my morning walk around Sentosa I spotted the floating water course being readied for closure. The sun was in the right place to really brighten up the whole area. I was lucky enough to capture this image, which fitted this month’s theme.”

5. Boxed In, by Andrew Beasley
“When getting some food at Great World City it was pretty clear where I needed to wait. I took a quick shot of living my best social distancing life.

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