The ANZA team with Australian cricket player Nathan Hauritz

The start of the cricket season 2024 – 2025 is finally back in full swing after a slight delay to June. As expected, the schedule started filling up quickly once it was out and with some 50+ games already under our belts, we’re excited for more to come! In just a few weeks we can see that we’ve got a fun-filled season ahead of us with plenty of games to come and lots of opportunities for playing and practicing for all of our participating teams. As always, we’re happy to welcome new players, so if cricket’s your thing head to the ANZA website to join us.

Here’s Us!

SSC and the ANZA Cricket team

ANZA Bushrangers: T30 League

Who we are: Our Gun team with two former 1st division players and loads of talent.
What we do: We’re looking to ace this season and move up the divisional ladder. If you’re serious about your cricket, this is for you. Our first game takes place on 21 July so don’t delay if you’d like to sign up!

ANZA Diggers: T30 League

Who we are: This is a great bunch of blokes and a real mix. Expect good players, some oldies and a few specialist bar owners. The banter is spot on!
What we do: While this team could be described as dysfunctional, they do really well! They like to play fair but are not as serious as Bushies.

ANZA Champs: BPL T25 League

Who we are: Being a separate competition, we mix Bushies and Diggers for this league. The BPL will be hard and fast, but also a lot of fun.
What we do: We may not win this but we will give all players a fair-go. We always aim to push the opposition as far as we can.

ANZA Dream Team

Who we are: Our social side for those who don’t want to play league and those who just want more cricket – think a few dads and sons, and people who haven’t played the game for 10+ years. We may not be pros but we all participate.
What we do: Matches are against like-minded social teams, are a lot of fun, and involve a few beers at the end. Games tend to take place on Friday afternoons and weekends, and occasionally we have away matches at Marlborough College Malaysia in Johor Bahru or places such as Phuket, Vietnam and Bangkok.

Michael Ulhman gets his lady!

From left: Michael recieving his trophy from David Vu. At the ground

A “Michelle” for the man we call “Magnet”. Not sure how his wife feels, but we were happy to see him get a “Five Fa” of oldies in the Masters League. (If you’re not sure what that is, please ask your nearest friendly cricketer!).

NETs stuff to know

NETs kick off each Wednesday at The Cage Sports Park, Dempsey, from 7pm. We assemble 5 – 10 people through our WhatsApp chat to roll the arm over. It’s not a problem if you don’t want to play games, don’t have equipment, and/or just want to do NETs. They are social NETs for all abilities.

Register for ANZA Cricket here

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