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As someone who completed my medical training in Australia, you can imagine it was of upmost importance for a GP to be fully attentive to changes in moles and skin cancer. Two-thirds of Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70. Skin cancer ranks as the sixth most common cancer in Singapore and is increasing in frequency.

The rise of tanning

Various tanning oils were used during the golden age of the tan in the 1960s -1980s, leading to the Bridget Bardot South of France golden tan look. Since then we have seen a 5x increase of melanoma – a sun-related skin cancer derived from moles. Many Australians got on board with the risks of skin cancer early but repeated exposure to UV rays is considered the most important risk factor in developing skin cancer. The UV Index ranges from 0 to 11+ (low to extreme). In Singapore, we average around six to nine on the UV Index with it even been known to reach ‘extreme’ levels at 15.

“Two-thirds of Australians
will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70”

Types of skin cancer

Skin cancer risks are determined by your skin type (the fairer you are, the higher the risk), family history, number of moles you have (the higher the risk), and the degree of sun exposure throughout your life.

Over 80% of skin cancer is considered preventable by reducing UV radiation exposure. Melanomas can spread quickly and are responsible for up to 90% of skin cancer deaths. The positive news is that if detected and treated early, melanomas have a 95% survival rate at five years. Other common skin cancers are basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs).

How to protect yourself

  • Quit smoking – it is a risk factor for SCCs
  • Minimise ultraviolet radiation from sunlight and tanning beds
  • Ensure adequate sun protection before outdoor activities
  • Choose a sunscreen that is broad spectrum – anti UVA and anti UVB
  • The SPF index depends on your skin type. The fairer you are, the higher the SPF index, but it is not necessary to choose an SPF over 50. Well-applied SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB versus 99% with SPF 100
  • Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before leaving the house
  • Always apply sunscreen before any insect repellent
  • Watch for changes in your moles or skin texture that do not seem to heal well. Potential skin cancer can present as a progressive lump, nodule, ulcer and may bleed
  • Pay attention to moles or skin lesions that are difficult to see, so on the back of legs, back, between toes, behind ears, and scalp
  • Have regular skin checks with a trained professional. Depending on your risk factors, skin checks can be as often as every three months
  • Check your vitamin D levels. A low vitamin D level has been shown to increase the risk of skin cancer

It is in the early stages of skin cancer development that you have the best chance to see changes and seek help. Remember you cannot see all your skin (when did you last witness the tops of your ears or upper back?) so remain mindful.

Dr Valerie Druon is French speaking Australian-trained family physician who has been caring for the international community of Singapore for over nine years. She is based at the Osler Star Vista clinic.



Osler Health International
Star Vista, 1 Vista Exchange Green,
# B1-27, The Star Vista, Singapore 138617
Tel: +65 6339 2727
 Email: starvista@osler-health.com