Hot off the press! The ANZA community in Singapore is set to embark on a new chapter with the appointment of Christopher Brown, known as ‘Toph’, as the new President. Toph takes the reins from Megan Kinder, whose dedication and extensive history with ANZA have left an indelible mark on the community.

Megan’s involvement with ANZA began in 2003, when she first discovered the community through ANZA magazine while visiting a friend in Singapore. Impressed by the range of activities and vibrant groups (“I thought it t looked like a pretty nifty thing to be a part of!”), she joined ANZA upon moving to Singapore later that year. Megan immersed herself in ANZA Mahjong, book clubs, toddler playgroups, and walking the catwalk at ANZA’s Fashions on the Field at the ANZA Melbourne Cup before diving into ANZA Cycling in 2006.

From 2014 to 2022, Megan became our ANZA Cycling President and organised notable events like the “PM Blast” with then-Australian PM Tony Abbott. She also served as ANZA VP in 2020 and then as ANZA President from March 2022.

Christopher Brown
ANZA President Christopher Brown

Build it and they will come

Reflecting on her journey, Megan shares, “I believe the phrase, ‘Build it and they will come’ applies to absolutely every section of ANZA. It is purely due to the dedication of our members who volunteer so much time and energy across all of our activities that we have become (and will remain) that brilliant community that I first had a glimpse of back in 2003. I will miss you all but look forward to seeing you on the other side of ANZA-Land!”

Toph joined ANZA in 2006, quickly integrating into the community. By 2013, his youngest daughter joined ANZA Scouts, and he became a leader the following year. This year, Toph joined our Executive Committee as Community Services Coordinator, bringing his dynamic leadership and passion for community engagement to the forefront.

“It is an honour to take on the ANZA President role and to continue Megan’s great work,” Toph says. “Both Megan and I were deeply involved in weekly activities before becoming President. During my term, I hope to embrace the welcoming community and strengthen the connections between the individual activity and sports sub-groups.”

As Toph steps into his new role, the ANZA community warmly welcomes him and looks forward to continued growth under his leadership. While Megan’s contributions, soothing voice and incredible hair will be much missed, we’re all excited for the future with Toph at the helm, steering ANZA towards new horizons.