Fedde and Dex, both 9

You met at ANZA Soccer. What do you most enjoy about it?
Fedde: I love to dribble to the goal and pass the ball so my teammates can score. Or if there’s an opportunity for me to score, I’ll do it to make sure my team wins.
Dex: I love being with my teammates having fun. I like playing left mid so I can pass the ball to my teammates to score.
What makes you two mates?
Dex: We met at ANZA and play soccer whenever we’re together. We have a connection both on and off the pitch.
What do you get up to together?
Fedde: Apart from soccer, we go swimming at the beach and play with our football cards. We also have sleepovers and playdates.
What do like most about each other?
Fedde: Dex is friendly and makes me laugh. He doesn’t get angry with me if I make a mistake.
Dex: Fedde helps me with soccer, and we always play nicely together. We never fight or get angry with each other.

Jemima and Jasmine in 2017 – they remain great mates today!

Jasmine and Jemima, both 15

What do you love most about ANZA Netball?
Both: Training and playing netball with friends that we don’t see every day at school.
What makes you two mates?
Jemima: We’ve been playing netball together for seven years and have shared some great times.
What other stuff do you two get up to together?
Jemima: We go to Sentosa, to concerts and the cinema.
What do you like the most about one another?
Jasmine: Jemima is always there for me and so positive and funny.
Jemima: Jassy is super supportive and fun to spend time with.

Kiki, 10, and Ava, 11

What do you like most about ANZA Soccer?
Kiki: That you need to work together to score. I like my team and we always stay positive – that’s what I love about it.
Ava: Playing competitive matches against other teams, learning new techniques and skills, as well as being in a supportive environment.
What makes you two friends?
Kiki: The moment Ava started at ANZA Soccer I wanted to make her feel welcome. We immediately liked one another and since then we’ve been best friends.
What do you enjoy doing away from the pitch?
Ava: We do baking, gymnastics, and play in the pool. We also have soccer playdates!
What do you like most about one another?
Kiki: Ava passes the ball really well, and she shares her ice packs and food! We like the same things and if I’m sad, she knows how to cheer me up. I’m always super-happy to see her.

Thai, Zenny, Harry, all aged 9

What do you most enjoy about ANZA Scouts?
ALL: Camping, exploring places, and making friends.
What makes you three friends?
Zenny: We share the same interests and enjoy talking to each other.
What stuff do you like getting up to together?
Harry: Playing with sticks that we find on the ground and having fun at the campfire. We also like discussing Minecraft and airplanes.
What do you like most about each other?
ALL: We are nice, funny, and kind!

Evie, 10, and Lily, 12

What do you like about ANZA’s sports groups?
Evie: I started ANZA Soccer three years ago and am in the 2014 Matildas. I like making friends and playing football every week with them. Lily’s dad is my coach.
Lily: I’ve been playing ANZA Netball since I was four years old. Now I’m in the 2011 netball team and recently went to the netball tournament in Perth – I loved it! I enjoy playing and socialising with my friends, and I get to do it with Mum as she’s a netball coach at ANZA.
What makes you two friends?
Evie: Lily is funny and we have similar tastes in things.
Lily: We have the same sense of humour.
What do you enjoy getting up to together?
Both: We hang out at each one another’s house and have sleep overs.

Theo and Isaac, both 5

What do you enjoy most about ANZA Nippers?
Theo: The board activities. I want to be able to surf one day.
Isaac: Being on the beach and riding on the boards.
What makes you two mates?
Theo: We like playing together. After Nippers we go for a swim and sometimes have a barbecue. We also love playing with cars or magnet tiles – until my annoying younger brother comes and breaks it up.
Isaac: We always have a good time and like to do the same things.
What do you get up to away from ANZA Nippers?
Theo: Mischief!
Isaac: Being cheeky!
What do you like most about one another?
Theo: I like playing with Isaac because whatever we do, we have a fun time.
Isaac: Theo is funny. We are really good mates and love each other.

Justine and Liz (non-age specific!)

How did you become friends?
Justine: We’re both Age Group Co-ordinators for our boys’ ANZA Soccer team.
What do you enjoy about soccer?
Liz: Catching up each Saturday morning over a cuppa while cheering our kids on from the sidelines. Seeing the players having a ball is very rewarding.
Justine: Liz has a great sense of humour and she ‘s always keen to “have a go!”
Do you hang out away from the pitch?
Liz: We always have dinners, drinks at Hero’s Bar on Boat Quay, and kid + adult playdates at the beach.

Imogen and Brooke, both 9

What do you most enjoy about ANZA Soccer?
Imogen: I like working with my team mates to try and improve. As a defender in the team, I like practicing things that make us good at defending.
Brooke: I get to play sport, learn about sportsmanship, and make new friends.
What makes you two mates?
Imogen: We have a lot in common, we enjoy the same interests, and I really like Brooke’s caring side.
Brooke: On and off the pitch we always have fun!

Friendship Matters

Forming childhood bonds at ANZA provides kids with many extra benefits:

  • Emotional Support
    Friends offer a source of comfort and understanding, helping children to navigate the ups and downs of growing up
  • Social Skills
    Interacting with peers teaches children essential social skills such as communication, empathy, and cooperation
  • Shared Experiences
    Childhood friends often share memorable experiences, creating a sense of belonging and fostering lasting memories
  • Confidence Building
    Having friends boosts self-esteem and confidence, as children feel accepted and valued within their group
  • Conflict Resolution
    Friendships provide a safe space for kids to learn how to resolve conflict and handle disagreements
  • Positive Influence
    Good mates can encourage positive behaviours and attitudes, influencing children to make healthy choices
  • Lifelong Connections
    Many childhood friendships evolve into lifelong relationships. What is better than that?!

Find out more about ANZA’s sports and activity groups for kids at anza.org.sg