ANZA Netball has been one of our most popular sports groups for children for the past 20 years, but why should the kids have all the fun?!

Seeing the satisfaction our younger players get from regular games prompted the netball committee to invite those aged 18+ to the court. After the successful launch of Adult Netball Training sessions in 2024, Term 1 Adult Netball started on 23 January 2025 for a 10-week block.

If the last time you graced a court Boyzone were in the charts, hear us out. ANZA Netball’s senior coach is all set to lead the sessions, designed for both beginners and those looking to return to the game. Participants can expect plenty of fun skill-building and matches. As netball is an excellent cardiovascular exercise, you’ll also get a full-body workout that will help to improve endurance, strength and flexibility. Additionally, playing netball helps maintain bone density which is crucial as we age, and for preventing the onset of osteoporosis. By joining you’ll be future-proofing your body without even realising it!

As a team sport, netball is especially brilliant for encouraging social connection and fostering a sense of belonging which is vital for mental wellbeing. Engaging in a game as an adult allows players to focus on the present moment, providing a mental break from daily stress (and thoughts of what to prep for dinner). 

Initial sessions at ANZA Adult Netball will focus on skill development and building strength and agility to prevent injury, while working towards strategy and match play for players joining leagues and tournaments. Let’s show the young ‘uns how it’s done!

Fascinating netball facts

  • Netball has roots in basketball
    Netball originated from basketball in the late 19th century. It was developed by Clara Baer in 1891, who modified basketball rules to make it more suitable for women.
  • Netball was once played on horseback
    In the early 1900s, a variant of netball known as “horseback netball” was created, where players would ride horses while playing. The game was quite challenging due to the difficulty of passing the ball while riding, so the horses were dismissed.
  • Netball is big in Commonwealth nations
    While netball may not be widely known in some countries, it is hugely popular in the likes of Australia, New Zealand, England, Jamaica, and South Africa.
  • Not all netball courts are created equally
    The standard adult netball court measures 30.5 metres long x15.25 metres wide, but there are variations in court sizes for different age groups and levels of play. Junior players, for example, use smaller courts.

Registrations are now closed for the current term. You can register your interest for Term 2 here.
Date: TBC (watch the ANZA website for updates)
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Location: Tanglin Trust School
Cost: $250 for 10 weeks