Around ten years ago, I had the pleasure of presenting the annual update for ANZA’s Scout Group at the ANZA Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the first time. As we all know, doing anything for the first time is exciting, inspiring, and terrifying in equal parts. What would the audience expect? How could I best connect? Had I over-prepared or under prepared?

The presentations took up a significant part of the meeting. Those who went before me – ANZA Athletics, Soccer, Netball, Tours, Mahjong, Secret Men’s Business – I had read about these in ANZA magazine, but now they came to life.

We got to ANZA Cycling: not quite the largest group, but close. The Cycling President, striking with her dyed hair, stood up and delivered a rip-roaring presentation. It was informative, exhilarating, and above all funny, drawing the entire quorum in.

After Megan’s presentation, I relaxed. I could do this: lean in and engage with the audience. They wanted us all to succeed. Afterwards, I felt pretty sure I’d pulled it off. After all, what could be more community-minded than talking about a group of young people running around and setting fire to things.

The point of this story is twofold. We have been fortunate to have Megan Kinder as President, and I am honoured to follow her. Even before she was ANZA President, Megan was spirited. Everyone who has met her at events can attest to her deep commitment to ANZA and our community. We all wish her good fortune for the next stage.

Secondly, ANZA is a true community. Attending the AGMs opened my eyes to the breadth of activities and interest groups we bring together, and the joy our members get from them. Why not give another group a try? Kill a meter, sing your lungs out, boot some campers. It’s all there.

To conclude, I am humbled to be the next ANZA President and I am deeply inspired … but that’s a story for another time.
