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Let’s be honest, chasing six-pack abs and ripped biceps may not be your health goal, but staying active after 50 is more important than ever, especially as we’re now being told that we’re going to live until 100 years old!

A recent study published in the The Journal of Preventive Medicine found that regular exercise can actually reverse cellular aging on a genetic level. Strength training, in particular, was shown to lengthen telomeres, the little caps on our chromosomes that shorten with age. Longer telomeres are linked to a healthier life, both physically and cognitively. This research debunks the myth that decline is inevitable and underscores the power we hold to influence our own cellular health.

Here’s our 6-point reckoner of how you can maximise your health post 50.

1. Get Up & Glow!

Active ageing is your runway, and it’s time to strut. Whether you’re dancing like nobody’s watching (except maybe the dog), twisting into yoga poses with the grace of a seasoned pro, or outpacing the local wildlife in your morning walk, it’s all about embracing the “move more, sit less” motto. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a fabulous pair of comfortable shoes.

2. Rest Your Brain. NOT.

Mindfulness: It’s not just for monks and those under thirty. Meditation isn’t just sitting silently and trying not to think about snacks. It’s about giving your brain the kind of spa day your body is jealous of. So, breathe in deeply (smell that? It’s the scent of serenity), breathe out slowly (that’s your inner skeptic leaving the building), and find peace in knowing that this is the kind of mental gymnastics your doctor approves of.

3. Eat Like a Gourmand

Turning the dietary don’ts into do-please. Forget what you think you know about dieting. It’s not about removing the joy from your meals; it’s about adding colours to your plate that aren’t just various shades of beige. Dive into the world of vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins like an explorer discovering treasures. Who knew that brussels sprouts could be the main character?

4. Yearning to Learn

Because ‘know-it-all’ is not in our vocabulary. Pick up a new hobby, learn a language that’s not “teenager,” or finally figure out what exactly is the Cloud and why everyone’s stuff is apparently up there. Your brain wants to lift weights too, metaphorically. Let’s flex those neurons!

5. Too Cool for Solely School Friends

Fifty-plus and fostering new friendships? It’s time to expand your social circle beyond people who only remember rotary phones and the original price of a movie ticket. Connections matter, whether it’s rekindling old flames (strictly platonic, please) or sparking new ones.

6. Time Out for Me

Because self-care isn’t selfish, it’s absolutely necessary. Whether it’s treating yourself to that spa day, diving deep into your hobbies, or simply sitting in silence (because, let’s face it, silence is golden and sometimes unheard of), it’s about cherishing YOU. Because if you don’t, who will?

Let’s not just age like fine wine; let’s live like with class, sass, and a glass half full (preferably with something sparkling, that is NOT kombucha!)

Because beyond the grey lies Greytt!

To start you off on this journey, we have just the right Fit-for-50+ wellness solution at Greytt Moves!

Our wellness services are custom-built for 50+ passion areas and life stage requirements and delivered by ‘Fit for 50+’ expert coaches in core methodologies, including Somatic training, Strength Training, Yoga & Pilates.

Greytt Moves offers 12 custom designed programmes around passion areas like golf, hiking, cycling, traveling or racquet sports, alongside programs solving for life stage needs including menopause management, joint health, flexibility and better sleep.

From now till 30th Nov, Greytt is extending a special promo for all ANZA members over 50.
Just use the code GREYTTDEALANZA at checkout for any of the programs and get SGD 50 off!

For the ladies, we have a highly curated digital event on the topic of Menopause.
You can find out more at https://www.moves.greytt.com/pages/takethatpause
Just use the code TAKETHATPAUSEANZA to get a 5% discount on your ticket!

To find out more, you can explore the programs at www.moves.greytt.com or Whatsapp us at +65 82928429

About Greytt

We are a premier Fit for 50+ platform, with services across wellness, travel, gigs, finance & more. We are on a mission to power purposeful and passionate lives for the ageless. Using Greytt experts, AI, and data we build age-centered products & services to match aspirations of the 50+!

Greytt’s foundation is built on a powerful manifesto that challenges societal perceptions of aging. It’s about celebrating the vigour and aspirations that don’t fade with the passing of years. Greytt embodies a spirit of adventure, wisdom, and the relentless pursuit of growth!

Because, beyond the grey lies Greytt!

Learn more about us at https://www.greytt.com and get to know our founders here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HevaNWc6cB4.