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ANZA Cricket Beach Day a roaring success!

Beautiful yet untypically overcast weather at Tanjong Beach Club on Sentosa was perfect for the annual Misfits Beach Cricket Day. Every year teams come together to do battle on the sand, and this time saw 16 teams of seven – including ANZA Cricket –  taking part. ANZA’s two entrants, Budgie Smugglers and Piha Bro’s, comprised Aussies and Kiwis and both were on top form returning with pieces of silver. While the sand and the sea didn’t replicate a true green outfield, the Budgie Smugglers made it to the Gold cup and the Piha Bro’s won the Silver cup.

Passion for cricket

Dad bods and dubious fashion were out in full force, and neither team was shy about getting in the sea. It was a great occasion to meet old friends who have a common passion for cricket. 

The day was well captained by Patrick Winters and Guy Hudson, and a big thank you goes to all the players who took part and make ANZA Cricket the brilliant club it is today. 

SCC Youth Development

As yet, ANZA doesn’t run a junior team, but Singapore Cricket Club offers a youth development programme for kids aged 5 -10. With a variety of sessions running weekends and mid-week, the Cubs Cricket environment is “all about fun and enjoyment through our brilliant game.” To find out more contact David Bennett at JuniorCricket@scccricket.com

NETs stuff to know

NETs kick off each Wednesday at The Cage Sports Park, Kallang from 7pm. We assemble 5 – 10 people through our WhatsApp chat to roll the arm over. It’s not a problem if you don’t want to play games, don’t have equipment, and/or just want to do NETs. They are social NETs and everyone is welcome. Find out more about ANZA Cricket here. 

“I’m a professional mermaid”

When it comes to unique professions, mermaiding is up there! Syrena’s career began a decade ago when the mermaid movement was in its infancy around the world. She talks to ANZA about how she became involved and leads a tight-knit mermaid community on the island today.

Have you always been attracted to water?
Oh yes, I was that kid on beach holidays spending hours gazing out to sea. Water is such a fascinating medium because the rules of the world on land don’t apply. It can be an incredibly challenging element to work with, but also very liberating.

How did your mermaid life begin?
I started with performances – creating unique experiences for corporate and kids-centric scopes. I wanted to ignite a sense of wonder and awe for little ones. It was difficult at first, I’d get maybe one party booking a month and I felt like giving up, but after a few years I founded the Singapore Mermaid School.

Left: Syrena doing Singapore’s first live public tank performance on Orchard Road

What events do you do today?
They span a large spectrum. Besides kid-centric and corporate parties, I also do family events, events that are wholly on land, wholly in water, or a hybrid of both. I’ve been booked locally and internationally for conventions, private experiences, and masterclasses. Whatever you can imagine, I can probably help bring to life!

Any standout moments?
On the kids side of the business, I was booked by a rather fabulous lady to do a mermaid party for her two granddaughters. She proceeded to book me again for the next two years, after which she requested a private mermaid workshop for not just her granddaughters, but also herself!

On the corporate side I collaborated with the Singapore Zoo to create Singapore’s first mermaid aquarium performance for several years running. I also partnered with ION Orchard to devise Singapore’s first live public mermaid tank performance. It was pretty surreal seeing a tank being built for me in the middle of Orchard Road!

You recently hosted The Otherworld Ball …
It was the first in Asia and quite the spectacle: we had knights in doublets, warriors in full plate armour, fae maidens in wings, satyrs, faun, and mermaids. There’s another ball (theotherworldball.com) later this year.

Where do you source your mermaid tails from?
They are made by two of my dearest friends who helm Finfolk Productions. They’re made entirely of special effects-grade silicone, and custom-made to my measurements and preferred colour palette. I’m a bit of a tail addict and have the largest personal collection of silicone tails in the world. Each one weighs between 15 – 25kg.

Tell us about the rest of your look …
It helped to have a signature look when I started out, but these days I enjoy switching things up. Doing so many events and classes, I like to keep it fresh!
I often customise to my client’s brief, for example, at Chinese New Year I’ll go with more oriental-inspired pieces and my most elaborate and heaviest tail, the Koi Empress.

Syrena with students from Singapore Mermaid School

How does the breathing underwater work?
I wish I could breathe underwater! It requires a great deal of mental and physical discipline and this is what suspends disbelief for your audience. Many people ask me “Do you have breathing tubes somewhere?” or “Where’s your tank?” But it’s all just the power of the human body!

How long can you hold your breath?
I don’t time my ‘holds’ as that creates unnecessary pressure. The best happen when you’re in the moment, going with the flow and enjoying yourself (as much as one can do without oxygen!).

Tell us about the Singapore Mermaid School…
The Singapore Mermaid School opened in 2015. It came about very organically – people would watch my performances live or online, or read an interview and write in wanting to learn from me. When I founded the company I just wanted to impart the magic of mermaiding to people in a safe, structured and immersive way. Since its inception, it’s gained a following locally and internationally, and even had a mention on Netflix!

What classes do you teach?
It’s the first mermaid school in the world to offer a tiered syllabus for progressive learning. Each level has a specific focus which not only teaches physicality, but also theory. In true Syrena style, you learn about mermaid myths and legends around the world. There’s also a strong emphasis on community. I always say that people walk into class as strangers and emerge as each other’s bridesmaids … I’ve seen it happen more than once!

Who are your students?
To date, the Singapore Mermaid School has taught hundreds of students from all walks of life. Our youngest has been four years old, and our most senior 88 years old. We’ve had nurses, lawyers, teachers, homemakers, celebrities, and even royalty – anyone can be a mermaid if they put their heart to it.


“I have the largest personal collection of silicone tails in the world”

How do you see students evolve as they learn mermaid skills?
Mermaiding is transformative. For one, it’s a wonderful workout that’s easy on the joints. Core mobility is improved, your posture gets better, and you naturally grow more flexible as the basic mermaid undulation really gives you a good stretch.

When you become familiar with the amazing things your body can do in this hobby, you really get a boost of confidence. Suddenly you’re walking taller, feeling stronger and tighter, and feeling more at home in your skin. It’s also very freeing because we emphasise what your body can do, not what it looks like.

What type of person makes a good mermaid?
The beauty of it is anyone can be a mermaid! Age, gender, body shape, career, race – there is room for all to come as they are. For me, mermaiding starts with the inner self. Mermaids look out for the people around them and operate from a place of kindness, grace and love. If you’re doing that, you’re already a good mermaid in my book.

Are mermen welcome?
Mermen are welcome and beloved here! They’re a more elusive breed, so it’s always amazing when we get new mermen sign-ups. Our most recent Bronze Mermaids batch had three mermen sign up independently – an unprecedented number – and that’s an amazing step forward for the Singapore mermaid community. They’re incredibly brave for bucking stereotypes and diving into this world with us.

What’s next for you Syrena?
As well as working on releasing a small capsule collection of dresses, I’m currently writing a children’s book. It’s a whimsical read teaching the importance of creating a place where we – and others – can belong and feel appreciated no matter who we are.

See Syrena in action at her ongoing weekly show at Fish Pool, JW Marriott South Beach’s NCO Club, on Fridays and Saturdays, 6.30PM & 8.30PM.

All images: Joshfather Photography

Sleep breathing disorders – your dentist can help

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Ever wondered why you feel hungry when you don’t get enough sleep? Lack of sleep causes dysregulation of ghrelin and leptin – hormones that control your appetite and fullness. This imbalance can disrupt the body’s natural regulatory mechanisms to stop eating. More negative effects caused by consistent sleep deprivation include an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, obesity, diabetes, cognitive and immune dysfunction, as well as anxiety and depression.

Understanding the culprit

“One of the causes of insufficient or poor quality sleep is obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA),” explains Dr Elaine Ng, a practitioner of Dental Sleep Medicine – the study of anatomical features, clinical signs, sleep medicine and sleep physiology – at Smilefocus.

The condition, characterised by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep due to a partial or complete blockage of the airway, has been rising in prevalence globally. “Modern lifestyles are often hectic and fast-paced, and sleep is given last priority. Students and working adults are sleep deprived more than ever, and the rate of obesity is increasing,” says Dr Ng.

Today, however, it is becoming more difficult to identify a obstructive sleep apnoea patient. The condition was previously thought to be more common in overweight, middle-aged male patients. Yet in recent years, a new group of patients is emerging – ones who are slimmer, younger, and female, explains Dr Ng. “Did you know that 13 percent of patients who have the condition may not snore at all? And up to 50 percent do not experience daytime tiredness. The fact that this condition can occur so insidiously, makes it all the more a priority for healthcare workers to be aware of the condition in order to identify patients at risk.”

How your dentist at Smilefocus can help

Dr Ng explains that dentists have sound knowledge of head and neck anatomy, growth of the face and jaws, and operate in the space that directly affects the upper airways. Patients most regularly go for dental checkups, and more often than not, their oral cavity is where dentists can first pick up the signs and symptoms of many medical conditions such as obstructive sleep apnoea during routine examinations.

At Smilefocus, Dr Ng has established an effective and comprehensive sleep screening programme to help patients of all ages suffering from conditions affecting their breathing and sleep-wake cycles. Recognising the subtle signs of obstructive sleep apnoea is the first step, and learning to identify these red flags and seeking help will lead to earlier detection and intervention. Here, Dr Ng lists a few top ones:

–       Sleepless nights, plus fatigue and lack of focus during the day

–       Snoring, gasping, and snorting in the night are signs that warrant further investigation

–       Conditions such as asthma, acid reflux and unexplained high blood pressure are often observed in patients with sleep breathing disorders

–       Bruxism or tooth grinding can be observed in a high percentage of sleep apnoea patients

Undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea isn’t just a serious health risk – it can affect your daily function, and mental and emotional state, which can negatively impact both your professional and personal life. Through advanced diagnostics and personalised treatment, Dr Ng works with a network of sleep trained professionals to ensure that patients receive complete multidisciplinary care. Smilefocus is utilising technology to ensure our patients and their families achieve optimal sleep quality and lifelong health. Contact Dr Ng at Smilefocus to discover more.

Dr Elaine Ng B.D.S. has practiced at Smilefocus for the last 18 years and has been a dental sleep medicine practitioner since 2008. She is a member of the Australasian Sleep Association and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.

You can find Smilefocus at #08-02/03 and #08-07/08 Camden Medical Centre, 1 Orchard Boulevard

6834 0877 | smilefocus.com.sg

Travel vaccines to plan before your trip

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Easy travel is one of the highlights of living in Singapore, from tropical beaches to bustling cities there is a holiday for everyone. Travel vaccines are vital to staying healthy, IMC offers travel consultations and here is a handy guide about what you and your family might need before the trip…

Hepatitis A+B: these are viral infections transmitted through contaminated food or water and bodily fluids respectively. Vaccination provides long term immunity so check what you’ve had. If you’re unsure you can have a simple blood test to find out.

Influenza: Seasonal flu can strike anywhere, and is the last thing you want on your trip! Getting the vaccine before you travel minimizes your risk of falling ill, disrupting your plans. There are two flu vaccines each year – for the Northern and Southern Hemisphere flu seasons. Southern hemisphere vaccines are available now at IMC.

Yellow Fever: a mosquito-borne virus in parts of Africa and South America. Some countries mandate a vaccine pass to enter and Singapore may require it on return. It must be taken at least 10 days before arrival. Check the ICA website (ica.gov.sg/enter-transit-depart/entering-singapore/yellow-fever-vaccination-certificate) to see if your destination is included.

Typhoid: caused by contaminated food and water, typhoid remains a risk in many popular destinations. Vaccination lasts three years so is an important one to update regularly.

Tetanus and diphtheria: Tetanus, a bacterial infection contracted through wounds, and diphtheria, a bacterial respiratory infection, can both pose risks during travel. Booster doses of the combined Tdap vaccine last 10 years and ensure ongoing protection.

Rabies (from animal bites and scratches) and Japanese encephalitis (from mosquito bites in rural Asian areas) vaccines may be considered for trips to areas with increased animal and insect exposure.

Forgotten what vaccines you’ve had or lost the paperwork? Don’t panic, we can work it out at a travel consult and update any new vaccines electronically for the future.

What else do you need to consider?

Mosquito avoidance: Protect yourself from illnesses like dengue and malaria by using a DEET insect repellent, wearing protective clothing and using nets. Mosquitos like stagnant water, so try to avoid these areas in the evenings or at night.

Water hygiene: Stay vigilant to prevent gastrointestinal illnesses. Drink bottled or boiled water and if you’re going to try street food make sure it is well cooked and from a clean environment!

Antimalarials: If you’re traveling to malaria prone areas, consult with a doctor about taking antimalarial medication. Look up if your destination has malaria at cdc.gov/malaria/about/distribution.html

Check FitForTravel (https://www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk) for up to date information or come into IMC for a travel consultation. We can work out what you need so you can enjoy your trip!

Dr Jessica Rankine is based at IMC Camden

1 Orchard Blvd #14-01
Camden Medical Centre
Singapore 248649

To book a travel consult, visit: www.imc-healthcare.com or call: +65 6733 4440

Learn more about Dr Jessica Rankine at Dr Jessica Rankine | IMC Medical Clinic (imc-healthcare.com)

A home away from home: The St Joseph’s College experience

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For families residing in Singapore, the quest for a superior education for their children often crosses borders, particularly when it involves finding an institution that combines excellent education with personal growth. St Joseph’s College, affectionately known as Joeys, stands out as a beacon of such holistic development. Nestled in the scenic and historic suburb of Hunters Hill, Sydney, Joeys offers a vibrant boarding experience, rich in academic rigour, co-curricular pursuits and renowned sporting success. Joeys is immensely appealing to expatriates who seek an Australian boarding education for their sons.

Through the experience of Stephen and Corinna Briscoe, who chose St Joseph’s College for their son Alexander, we uncover what makes Joeys a sought-after destination for families from Singapore.

Choosing Joeys: A family decision

The Briscoe’s decision to choose St Joseph’s College for Alexander’s boarding was informed by the school’s “impeccable reputation”, says Stephen Briscoe, as well as strong recommendations from current Joeys families. “Combined with Alexander’s desire to return to Australia, this made Joeys a good choice for our family. The school grounds and buildings are very impressive, and the after-school co-curricular and education study program will definitely help Alexander succeed. All the people we asked about the school had nothing but positive comments, which made our choice easier.”

Despite the availability of the International Baccalaureate at the Australian International School in Singapore, the family preferred the Higher School Certificate (HSC) program for Alexander, as the curriculum promised to be challenging yet suited Alexander’s learning profile. The choice was also a strategic step towards university preparation, as the Briscoes value the College’s ability to provide robust academic support to secure a commendable HSC score. The Dux of the Class of 2023 scored the highest possible ATAR of 99.95 in the HSC, with 10 students obtaining 98+ ATARs, and a remarkable 20 per cent of the cohort recognised on the Distinguished Achievers List.

Alexander’s affinity for sports and the desire for a cooler climate to pursue them also played a pivotal role in their decision. The sweltering heat in Singapore limited his engagement in sports, but at Joeys, he found his passion met with not only excellent facilities but also a community that thrives on athletic excellence.

“In Year 10, the boarders can use the gym and sports facilities when accompanied by a teacher. And all the facilities are great – I love going to the field to kick the ball with a friend and play touch with the boarders as well as the day students, who can stay until 8pm each day. The gym is very well maintained, and you have an exercise program that you can follow, or you can do your own exercises,” states Alexander.

The expatriate appeal

For expatriate families, St Joseph’s College offers more than just an education; it offers a close and supportive community. The structured boarding environment at Joeys has already made a noticeable impact on Alexander’s confidence and academic performance. The after-school tutoring and a structured study routine have been particularly beneficial. Stephen and Corinna both appreciate how Joeys aligns with Alexander’s life aspirations, notably in sport science. The College’s extensive alumni network is an added advantage, promising lasting connections and a supportive community for life.

Boarding life: Alexander’s perspective

From the enthusiasm of sports rallies to the camaraderie of Saturday sport and afternoon barbecues, Alexander’s account of boarding life at Joeys is filled with vibrant snapshots of a close-knit community. He highlights the exceptional living conditions, access to sporting facilities and the compassionate care received from the on-site, 24-hour Health Centre as key to his easy transition to boarding life. Alexander’s boarding start in Year 10 was facilitated by the support from peers, school staff and the proximity of family in Sydney. This sense of belonging and community is paramount for any student, but it holds special significance for those from expatriate families.

“Boarding allows me to interact with new peers and make new friends – this is mainly because, with 15 boys in your dorm, you want to know everyone well since you are going to be with them for the whole year. I’ve made many great close mates at Joeys in only the first nine weeks here and know I will make more in the future,” says Alexander.

Adapting to boarding life at Joeys has also instilled a newfound sense of discipline in Alexander. Early mornings and structured days have honed his time management skills, contributing to enhanced performance in both academics and sports. This blend of personal development with academic pursuit is a hallmark of Joeys. “I’ve also found a new sport interest in rowing – I rowed for the Year 10 4th VIII and really loved it … the sun rise is always worth seeing! Now I’m playing rugby for winter sport,” enthuses Alexander.

A wise choice for future growth

For families in Singapore considering boarding school options in Australia, St Joseph’s College offers a compelling proposition. The Briscoe family’s narrative underscores the College’s capacity to deliver an education that transcends classroom learning. At Joeys, students like Alexander do not just prepare for university; they engage in schooling that shapes them into well-rounded, socially responsible individuals ready to take on future challenges with confidence.

For parents pondering over the right choice for their son’s education, St Joseph’s College stands out as an institution that not only understands the unique needs of expatriate families but also commits to fulfilling them. It’s not just a school; it’s a community where every student can find a place to excel, to belong, and find a second home.

If you are considering St Joseph’s College for your son’s educational journey, you can learn more by visiting joeys.org or contacting the Admissions Office directly via email: sjc@joeys.org or call +61 2 9816 0900 for a detailed discussion about a Joeys education and how it aligns with your child’s aspirations.

ANZA Soccer at the top of its game

ANZA Soccer is a grassroots, not-for-profit organisation in Singapore that provides a fun and inclusive environment for children to learn and play. We’re big on the belief that every child can play soccer, regardless of their background, gender or skill level. Welcoming expats and locals from across the island, we’re a family-oriented community with supportive volunteer coaches and mixed teams of boys and girls from different cultures and walks of life.

While ANZA Soccer emphasises the importance of raw talent, we know that every child has their own unique set of skills and abilities that can be harnessed on the soccer field. We seek to nurture and develop children from an early age, helping them to expand their love for the sport and to grow their talent and confidence over time.

One of the best things about ANZA Soccer is its inclusive nature. We welcome children from all backgrounds, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and valued. Boys and girls playing alongside each other provides a great opportunity for them to learn and develop, regardless of gender.

Photo: David Lau

Family-friendly environment

Of course, ANZA Soccer would not happen if it wasn’t for our volunteer parents who are encouraged to keep motivation levels high and contribute to the smooth running of the club. Our expert paid coaches are friendly and knowledgeable, providing a nurturing environment for children to learn and improve. If you’re up for helping to organise events, fundraisers, and other activities that can raise awareness of our mission, let us know!

Another great aspect of ANZA Soccer is the family-friendly environment. We’re all about creating a fun, relaxed atmosphere that encourages families to come together, after all, Soccer is not just about winning or losing, it’s about building friendships and connections.

Photo: David Lau

We’re not just the best possible place for your child to develop their soccer skills, but skills for a lifetime. Whether your child is just starting out, or an experienced player, our  coaches, team members, and inspiring community is the top choice for anyone looking to get involved in the sport of soccer. 

Find our more on our ANZA Soccer page.

Words: Mohamad Hisham Bakri 

Home Upgade: Update your kitchen Nordic-style

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Embrace the beauty of clean lines, natural materials, and timeless design elements that define the essence of Nordic living. Enhance your dining experience and let the Scandinavian spirit of Originals infuse your kitchen with unparalleled sophistication.

Seating Serenity: Scandinavian Dining Chairs, Benches & Stools

Scandinavian dining chairs and stools are where form meets function seamlessly. Combine comfort and style with ergonomic designs, featuring solid oak timber and elegant stones. Whether you prefer classic chairs or the communal charm of benches, our collection offers options that cater to your aesthetic preferences.

Nordic Nourishment: Dining Tables that Define Simplicity

Crafted with clean lines and natural materials, our dining tables bring a touch of Nordic warmth to your kitchen. Choose from a range of sizes and finishes, each designed to create a harmonious focal point for your communal gatherings.

Tablescapes in Tranquility: Essential Centrepieces

Bring Scandi chic to your dining table with our carefully curated tableware selection. From simple yet stylish display bowls and plates to unique vases, these essentials embody the essence of Scandinavian living. Create inviting tablescapes with additions of neutral tones and organic textures, making every meal a visual delight.

“Form meets function with our Scandinavian dining chairs and stools”

Embrace the influence of Scandinavian design as you reimagine your kitchen space. Our collection seamlessly blends simplicity and functionality, providing a warm invitation for family gatherings and shared meals.

1 Bukit Batok Street 22,

Level 5, 659592
Open weekdays 10am – 7pm, weekends and PH 10am – 6pm

5 tips to finding the perfect health insurance policy

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With medical costs rising year-over-year, expats around the world, including those in Singapore, are actively seeking an ideal health insurance policy that is both effective and affordable to combat reduced purchasing power.

Health insurance is essential for protecting you from unexpected hefty treatment costs for illnesses and injuries. It also allows you to access top-notch medical facilities and world-class private healthcare services in Singapore.

Our friends at Pacific Prime CXA are here to give you five valuable tips for finding the perfect health insurance policy best suited for your medical needs and budget.

Tip #1: Don’t Decide Solely on Price

It might be tempting to choose the cheaper insurance policy, but there may be a better way to do this than opting for lower coverage and benefits offered. This is because you can always increase deductibles and copayments to lower the monthly premium, which could well be more money-effective than paying for medical coverage you don’t ever need, especially if your employer’s group health plan already provides basic coverage.

Tip #2: Beware of Suspiciously Cheap Plans

Online insurance sales have gained popularity in this digital age, thanks to the convenience of smartphones and the internet in managing insurance claims. This leaves space for scammers to bait consumers into purchasing an unreasonably cheap plan, which could lack even basic coverage for prescription drugs or annual checkups.

Tip #3: Check Reviews and Feedback

Whenever you come across an insurance provider or brokerage on the Internet or ads, it is always advisable to check reviews and feedback from customers on Google and their websites to help with your decision-making process.

Look for experienced, reputable insurance companies with a solid client base. Feel free to ask your friends and families for recommendations as well.

Tip #4: Coverage Levels

Always carefully assess your medical needs. It is possible to tailor plans to fit your unique needs by working with a reputable insurance provider or brokerage.

For example, if you are looking to relocate to Singapore with your family, you might want to look for child or maternity coverage; or if you’re just looking to head there for a month-long trip, you might consider short-term medical insurance with coverage for evacuation and repatriation, emergency inpatient care, and preventive care.

Tip #5: Understand Insurance Jargons

Health insurance is full of industry-specific vocabulary. The meanings of basics such as “benefits”, “coverage”, and “exclusions” are obvious, but some specific terms such as “deductible” or “moratorium” could be trickier to understand.

While some of these jargons may not appear in your insurance policy, it is still a good idea to study them just in case these terms pop up in additional plans you purchase later.

Secure Your Perfect Plan with Pacific Prime

Securing an ideal health insurance plan does not have to be difficult. Keep these tips in mind and reach out to Pacific Prime CXA! With over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry, they can help you compare and find the perfect plan across globally renowned insurance providers.

3 financial rules for expats in Singapore to live by

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Wherever you’re going, expats will want to hang onto some key financial rules, and Singapore is no different. This means you’ll need to make the right financial decisions to suit your relocation. Here, our friends at Pacific Prime CXA provide us with three tips on budgeting in Singapore.

Why Financial Planning Matters

Singapore is one of the most expensive countries for expats. Your expenses are likely to involve housing, transportation, and tuition fees for your children. It’s also worth noting that cars are rare and expensive, so you have alternatives such as the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) system, buses, and taxis to choose from.

Financial Rules for Expats

Rule #1: Do Your Research Before You Go

Before you leave, make sure to do your research on possible expenses in the country, including comparing equivalents between your local currency and Singaporean Dollars (SGD) first.

Rule #2: Be Realistic About What You Can Afford

The next rule to keep in mind is you have to be realistic about what you can and can’t afford. Buying and renting a property as well as owning a car in Singapore can be overwhelmingly expensive. To make your money stretch as far as possible, look at the most affordable areas to live and their proximity to public transportation.

Rule #3: Know Your Taxes

Singapore requires income tax payment while lacking capital gains tax and inheritance tax. Residents are required to pay 0-22% income tax (for SGD $320,000+), 15-22% tax for non-residents, and 17% corporate tax rates.

Begin Planning

You can start by planning what you’d like to save up for, such as enrolling your kids in school, houses or personal vehicles, or retirement. The point is to define your savings goals and how long it’ll take to reach that goal. Don’t forget to also set aside an emergency fund in case of illnesses, injuries, or job loss.


By doing research on expenses and tax responsibilities, and being realistic about what you can afford, you can make efficient financial plans while living in Singapore.

What Pacific Prime CXA Can Offer to Expats

Pacific Prime CXA, offers various insurance plans for both expats and locals. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with them for impartial advice and plan comparisons.

16 mega Easter Weekend buffets & meals

Easter falls on March 31 this year, meaning that a long weekend is ahead in Singapore! Whether you’re planning on exploring the island, doing something creative, or just chilling out, it’s got to include a hearty Easter feast! Across the island’s best restaurants, hotels and cafes, there are exclusive menus, hearty roasts, Easter Egg Hunts, chocolate treats, and giant snuggly bunnies just waiting for you! With so much happening, we’ve compiled a round-up of where you can head to make sure you get the best of local and international delights.

InterContinental Singapore

InterContinental Singapore might be the most lavish Easter feast in town on Easter Sunday with the ultimate spread comprising 300 delights, 13 live stations, and Italian, Chinese, and classic favorites from Luce, Man Fu Yuan, and The Lobby Lounge. Our eyes (and bellies) are set on the ice crustacean bar,  Australian Wagyu whole OP rib, and ‘St Louis’ barbecue pork ribs. Dessert includes a choux tower, a chocolate fountain, and live candy floss and popcorn stations. There’s also an Easter egg hunt and a bottomless champagne option.

80 Middle Road, 188966 singapore.intercontinental.com

The Fullerton Hotel

Delightful experiences await at the elegant Fullerton Hotel. Indulge in a feast at La Brasserie, featuring fresh seafood and savoury options like Caraway-roasted Pork Belly and Herb-crusted Lamb Rack. Meanwhile, kids can enjoy carnival games, egg hunts, and perhaps a cuddle with the hotel’s friendly bunny mascot. There’s also a bouncy castle, dive  ball pit, and canvas painting.

80 Collyer Quay, 049326 fullertonhotels.com


Experience Easter in style at Skai on the 70th floor of Swissôtel the Stamford. Take in the cityscape as you enter the grand seafood tower, brimming with scallops, prawns, and lobster. Enjoy custom-made dishes like saffron risotto or ras el hanout, and save room for Executive Pastry Chef Ming Choong’s Easter-themed creations, including hot cross buns, macarons, and a mouthwatering piña colada cheesecake.

2 Stamford Road, Level 70, #70-02 Swissôtel The Stamford skai.sg

Lion Brewery Co 

Get set for a roaring time at Lion Brewery Co this Easter Sunday 2024. The taproom will be transformed into a space for merrymaking, with a buffet and a dedicated children’s room for activities. Choose from four main courses – the Country Whole Roasted Chicken, Roasted Australian Striploin, BBQ Pork Ribs or Turmeric Roasted Cauliflower. Don’t worry, you’ll get salad and veg on the side, and you guys – THERE’S YORKSHIRE PUDDING! Revellers keen to up their celebration can top up $60++ per person to enjoy free-flowing Prosecco or Aperol Spritz for three hours.

36 Club Street, 069469 lionbreweryco.com

Butcher’s Block

This Easter Sunday lunch on March 31, Butcher’s Block will be showcasing the Easter leg of lamb. Sourced from Margaret River in Australia, the lamb is meticulously brined in buttermilk for 48 hours, then slow-cooked to perfection. Served with grilled English peas, radish, and lamb jus, this dish presents classic flavors with a bold twist.

1 Beach Road, 189673 restaurantsandbars.accor.com

Mosella, Pan Pacific Orchard

Add a dash of excitement to your Easter festivities at Mosella, Pan Pacific Orchard’s modern Mediterranean restaurant! Experience our unique à la carte brunch buffet ($108 per adult, $54 per child), featuring tableside service of sharing plates for an interactive dining experience. Delight in Fine de Claire oysters and Spanish-style favorites like gamba roja al ‘ajillo’ and cochinillo – Spanish suckling pig with apple puree. Don’t miss out on our Easter festival ($15 for adults, $7.50 for children), complete with a bouncing castle, meet and greet with the Easter bunny, egg hunting, face painting, and board game activities.

10 Claymore Road, 229540 www.panpacific.com

Pullman Singapore Hill Street

An Easter brunch bonanza will be taking place at Pullman Singapore Hill Street! On 31 March, Madison’s and Moga are teaming up to create a feast. From lobsters to chicken waffles, there’s something for everyone. While you savour the flavours, kids can dive into face painting, balloon sculptures, and an exciting Easter egg hunt channeling Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Five golden tickets hidden in chocolate bars await lucky guests, granting them a two-day-one-night stay at the hotel.

1 Hill Street, 179949 pullmansingaporehillstreet.com

The Ritz-Carlton, Milennia Singapore

For an Easter celebration surrounded by museum-quality art, head to The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore where you can dine on an Easter Sunday Vintage Champagne Brunch at the Colony, while admiring original works by David Hockney, Andy Warhol, Dale Chihuly, Frank Stella and Zhu Wei. Specially for the occasion, the restaurant’s seven show kitchens will be serving up smoked Applewood lamb rack with heirloom carrots; harissa devilled eggs with king prawn and chorizo jam; and an assortment of Easter desserts.

31 March from 12 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. To book, please click here

Verandah Rooftop Rotisserie

Easter Sunday sees a variety of activities and foodie highlights. We’re planning on the slow-roasted Black Angus beef tomahawk with Yorkshire pudding, or the 48-hour brined rotisserie chicken. The egg station serves up crab omelette with crème frâiche and Avruga caviar. There’s an Easter Egg hunt, followed by an amazing mermaid show at the infinity pool by ANZA’s very own cover star, Syrena!

323 Alexandra Road, 7/F Momentus Hotel Alexandra, 159972 momentushotels.com


Savour an Easter Sunday roast with meat being the main star at Meadsmoore. Indulge in  platters like the anchovy and tarragon roasted half chicken or the Moroccan spice-roasted lamb rump. And of course, don’t go without trying their Wagyu cuts, including the mouthwatering salt-crusted roasted sanchoku Wagyu. Can’t decide? Opt for the Easter roast platter, featuring all three meats for you to sample and enjoy.

21A Boon Tat Street, 069620 meadesmoore.com

Summer Hill

French favourites served right from a dim sum trolley? Don’t mind if we do. Enjoy classics like ham and cheese sandwiches, mussels Normandy, and steak and eggs—all brought to your table on a darling pushcart. There’s also a French fry trolley, featuring tempting treats like duck fat fries and potato pavés. For sure, an Easter Sunday here will be memorable!

442 Orchard Road, 02-17 Claymore Connect, 238879 summerhill.sg

Hub & Spoke Cafe

If you’re travelling our of Singapore this weekend, kids are going to love this spot at Changi airport. On 30 and 31 March, families are invited for authentic Italian dishes before kids get to forage for Easter Eggs from 11am to 12pm or from 1pm to 2pm, with a grand prize up for grabs for the bunny who finds the Golden Egg. Entry to the Easter Egg Hunt is limited to children between 3 to 10 years old (each child to be accompanied by an adult) and includes a complimentary Soft Serve and Goodie Bag.

60 Airport Boulevard #01-T2S-02, Singapore Changi Airport, 819643 changiairport.com

Canopy Garden Dining

This Easter, Canopy’s Easter Egg Hunt is the place to be! Enjoy a family day as while you wine and dine, both kids and furkids can embark on a hunt for hidden treasures amidst beach or garden backdrops. There’ll be an all-day hunt for the grand prize, a Golden Egg packed with surprises including dining vouchers, plushies, pet toys, and more.

From 29 – 31 March, discover the four venues here

Escape Restaurant

The 31 March promises a winning semi-buffet brunch experience. Eggs will be a main attraction (obvs!) alongside artisanal cheeses, fresh salads, and mains. Easter staples like hot cross buns and chocolate eggs will also be in attendance. While you dine, the kids can enjoy the bouncy castle, play in the swimming pool, or embark on an Easter egg hunt around the restaurant.

Farrer Park Station Road, 6/F One Farrer Hotel, 217562 onefarrer.com

Altro Zafferano

Indulge in four courses of Easter delights at Altro Zafferano on March 30. Kick off with a beef tartare featuring smoked egg yolk and zesty Amalfi lemon, setting the stage for a pasta course. For the main event, we recommend the aromatic black cod paired with saffron champagne sauce, or the very Easter lamb loin accompanied by heirloom carrots and a touch of sambuca jus. J

10 Collyer Quay, Level 43, 049315 altrozafferano.sg

Level 33

On 30 and 31 March 30, treat yourself to the signature Easter roast, perfect for sharing among friends and family. Accompanied by gnocchi crafted from the spent grain of their microbrewery, it’s a true culinary delight. Opt for their free-flow beverage package, offering bottomless house-brewed beers, prosecco, and exclusive house wines.

8 Marina Boulevard #33-01, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 1, 018981 level33.com.sg