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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Can a pen change a child’s life?

For the children at Riverkids in Cambodia, a letter can make a bigger difference than you think, says Dale Edmonds.The letters come in one by one, until there are enough to fill a courier...

Redefining Community Giving

In strategic partnership with Community Foundation of Singapore, Taproot Foundation and UBS, Empact is proud to announce our first series of events on redefining community giving. This is the series for you, if you are:...

Network With ANZA Members Using LinkedIn

ANZA Members can now connect using LinkedIn. The new ANZA Singapore group is a professional network for ANZA members to share information and advice, job opportunities and mentoring. Join the group

Are Singapore Expat Packages a thing of the past?

Despite a widely held belief that international financial services professionals are employed on expat packages, new research has revealed that this perception is far from reality.An overwhelming 83{95a2435e1d5758f6d9d5615cfe8f4203fd5bccff0e058dcf69a7b31d3a698e0b} of overseas professionals based in Singapore...

ACRES Wildlife Rescue – Guardians of Nature

A three-metre albino python, seven large iguanas and several rare star tortoises are just some of the animals housed at an enclosure in north-western Singapore. But this is no zoo – these animals...

Operation Smile

  Elischa Montague-Drake spent a gruelling week in Myanmar in 2013, braving this and that to help repair the smiles of more than 100 Burmese children.  My son Orlando was born with a bilateral cleft lip...

Networking Success

Roseanne Woodmansee is from Sydney and accompanied her husband to Singapore in 2005 when he was recruited by Krafts Foods. Before she moved here she was a licensed real estate agent in New South Wales...

Travel, Shopping & Babies

  Pregnancy was the push Renee Lodens needed to turn her love of travel and shopping into a business. Renee moved to Singapore in October 2010 to be with her then boyfriend, who quickly she married....

The Trailing Tycoon

Moving to Singapore can be just the kick some people need to cast off the shackles of a corporate job and pursue their passions. In fact, being new to a country and being in...

The Red Cross Needs Volunteers

Many of today’s trailing spouses come armed with talents, qualifications and experiences that are highly sought after by many volunteer organisations here in Singapore. Whether they’re looking for work in their chosen field, opting for...