Setting up a Family Trust in Australia
Tristan Perry, Head of Tax, Australia at Select Investors Australia, answers a reader question about setting up a family trust back home.
Singapore Money Saving Tips
Tristan Perry, Head of Tax, Australia at Select Investors Australia, answers a reader question about top financial tips for living in Singapore.
Investment Tax Tips for Aussies Living in Singapore
Tristan Perry, Head of Tax, Australia at Select Investors Australia offers tax tips for structuring your Australian investments when you move to Singapore.
Tips for buying an Australian Investment Property
Tristan Perry, Head of Tax, Australia at Select Investors Australia, answers a reader question about the right time to buy an Australian investment property.
HOT TOPIC: Australian Tax Tips for Repatriation
Tristan Perry, Head of Tax at Select Investors Australia answers a reader question about preparing to repatriate down under. Tristan is an Australian Tax Agent and expatriate tax advisor, based in Singapore.
Wirex: The Multicurrency Account & Card that Earns you Crypto
Find out more about Wirex, a banking card that earns you cryptocurrencies.
How to Finance Property in Australia
Amy Auden, Director of Yarra South Finance, reveals what you need to know as an expat when obtaining finance for a property.
Tax advice: Commuting Between Singapore & Australia
Tristan Perry, Head of Tax, Australia at Select Investors Australia answers a reader question about dividing the family between Singapore and Australia.
The Basics of Investing in Singapore Real Estate
Singapore boasts reliable infrastructure, a low crime rate and is an international hub for many foreign investors. Subsequently the property market has been quite a lure for both foreign investors and expatriates who are settling here. The experts at offer insights into buying a property as an expat.
HSBC Premier – Unwavering Service and Dedication
Good friendships stick around when the going gets rough – and this holds true for banking relationships as well. With HSBC Premier, you’ll gain a banking relationship that will support you with the same unwavering service and dedication that they have shown the community, their customers and their employees during this difficult period.