ANZA Action: Declutter and Donate
Moving in, moving on or moving across the island? ANZA Action's Rae Moller recommends worthwhile charities that could benefit from your spring clean.There are many options to donate your second hand goods and help...
Relief For Workers
ANZA ACTION: Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) promotes fair treatment for migrant workers. Debbie Fordyce tells their story.
Support Biggest Morning Tea
ANZA Action and Casual Coffee are delighted to be supporting the Singapore Cancer Charity with their annual Biggest Morning Tea! Read how this charity helps those in need.Mdm Irmawati, 40, was diagnosed with...
Help the Animals
ANZA Action's Rae Moller encourages you to help our four-legged friends this month.
Feeling Thrifty
ANZA ACTION: Rae Moller is looking for volunteers for the NEW2U thrift shop; can you spare some time?
Insight Into IC2 Prephouse
Rae Moller focuses on one of ANZA Action's smaller charities who will benefit from this month's Hilarity for Charity event.
Community Cruise Control
Combine the thrill of island hopping around the Phi Phi Islands with volunteering work this June on the ANZA Community Cruise.
Cheers to Charity
Rae Moller of ANZA Action looks forward to this month’s Christmas Charity Event in aid of The Salvation Army.What social services do the Salvation Army provide in Singapore?The Salvation Army runs a nursing home,...
Looking Ahead
This year ANZA Action has been lucky enough to not only be able to work with wonderful charities here in Singapore, but also begin working with a new charity, Babes Pregnancy Crisis Support.Our fabulous...
Melrose Home
ANZA Action extends our heartfelt thanks for all the work that has been done on the Melrose Home Project. The rugs, walls and murals look amazing and have certainly brightened up the spaces at...