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Network With ANZA Members Using LinkedIn

ANZA Members can now connect using LinkedIn. The new ANZA Singapore group is a professional network for ANZA members to share information and advice, job opportunities and mentoring.

Join the group

Pave Your Child’s Way to Success

It is a universal fact that every parent wants the very best for their child, and it is not unusual to look for ways to boost their child’s learning process to get a head start in life. There are three essential things that you can do to ensure your child’s positive growth with regards to their learning.

#1: Encourage your child to inquire when in doubt!

According to research, an inquisitive child always picks things up more quickly than his quieter peers. Richard W. Paul and Linder Elder, co-authors of Critical Thinking: Basic Theory and Institutional Structures Handbook, strongly believe that thinking and the thought process is driven not by the feeding of answers but by active listening and questioning.

This explains why you should provide your child with a nurturing and open environment so that they feel comfortable asking questions. The Australian International School (AIS) understands that encouraging this ethos can reveal different perspectives and widens a child’s scope of learning, leading to greater cognitive development.

Our newly-opened Inquiry Centre provides your child with an exciting and interactive learning environment. During Inquiry Centre sessions, children spend time with their teachers, librarians as well as invited experts to explore areas of the curriculum, like science, geography and history through hands-on practical inquiry. Smaller and more engaging groups facilitate inquiry, allowing your child to absorb every bit of knowledge that they can.

#2: Encourage and support your child’s creativity

We have come full circle in understanding that Music and the Arts are an integral part of any child’s development. There is extensive research on how music connects and develops the brain in exceptional ways. Music education offers something to a child that is indispensable: the opportunity to explore their own creativity and apply this to all aspects of their life. AIS promotes creativity through its in-curriculum Arts program that encompasses Music, Drama and Visual Arts. The role of the music educator at AIS is to lead your child through a process of learning and understanding that is dynamic and inclusive. Using child-centred approaches developed by Carl Orff and Zoltan Kodaly, children journey with an adventurous and exploratory spirit, while they sing, dance and play. An emphasis is placed on the child’s emerging singing, playing and composing in an environment that is safe and encourages exploration. Head of Music, Mr Simon Hughes says “Our aim at AIS is to ensure all children experience musical success at their own level, through aurally based classroom activities that develop their creativity”.

#3: Give your kids a break!

Tonia R. Durden, an Early Childhood Extension Specialist believes that “a wide variety of play experiences is necessary in learning development, especially those that integrate sensory, motor, cognitive and social-emotional experience”. Learning through play is something that we at AIS strongly believe in. We have built this into the curriculum to provide an opportunity for children to observe their environment at first hand, develop and extend their language and creative skills, interact with others, make decisions and solve problems. We also support our students’ physical wellbeing in equal measure, channelling their seemingly boundless energy into fun and exciting physical education activities. Part of every morning is spent in our own large playground engaging in activities such as sand play, bike riding, climbing, balancing and ball games. Children love being outside and exploring so why not take them out for a stroll somewhere exciting around Singapore such as Gardens by the Bay, and encourage them to question and inquire about the fascinating things they see.

To learn more about our curriculum and school, you are welcome to visit during our upcoming AIS Open House Sessions:

• Thursday, 11 September

• Thursday, 9 October

• Wednesday, 26 November

Book a tour online, phone +65 6517 0247 or email admissions@ais.com.sg.

Protecting Your Children in Singapore through Immunization

Before children start school in Singapore, it is important to ensure immunizations are up-to-date. Children are exposed to a range of potentially dangerous diseases due to the large number of people they come into contact with. Therefore, proven and safe protection against diseases that can cause serious illness, or even death, is essential.

The importance of vaccinations
Singapore’s Health Promotion Board advises that diseases can rapidly spread throughout the population and cause epidemics if children are not immunized. While a consistent public health vaccination program has reduced contagious disease to relatively low levels in Singapore, because the country is a major transport hub, it is both vulnerable and receptive to diseases being introduced by travelers.  In fact, studies by health authorities over the last decade have identified that the majority of notifiable diseases that occurred in Singapore such as viral hepatitis, malaria, cholera and typhoid resulted from importation. In support of this trend, the number of cases of tuberculosis among non-residents has continued to rise in tandem with an increase in the number of expatriates and tourists in Singapore.

Under Singapore’s Infectious Disease Regulations two vaccinations, namely diphtheria and measles immunizations, are mandatory for every child residing in the country. According to Singapore’s National Childhood Immunization Schedule, immunizations should be completed prior to a child’s entry into primary school. At the time of registering with a school, a child who has not yet had the necessary immunizations will not be denied enrollment, but parents or guardians will be reminded to arrange these prior to the beginning of the school year.

Know what to protect against
Additional to the mandatory vaccinations, the schedule specifically recommends vaccination against tuberculosis, whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis B, mumps, rubella and poliomyelitis. The Health Promotion Board suggests that while these vaccinations are not mandatory in the country, it is worth seriously considering the range of immunizations available in order to protect children from the ill-effects and suffering associated with preventable disease. These vaccinations can be crucial in maintaining a child’s health, as they help prevent a range of serious diseases in their early years and beyond. Numerous studies have highlighted that even if a child contracts a disease after being vaccinated against it, the symptoms and severity of the infection is generally milder than what it otherwise would be.

The need for vaccinations in Singapore is echoed by the US Centre for Disease Control, which specifically recommends immunization against hepatitis A due to the susceptibility of contracting the disease through contaminated food or water, regardless of the location of accommodation or type of eateries frequented. Likewise, typhoid can also be contracted through food or water sources, but in particular when staying with friends or relatives, or travelling to smaller cities or rural areas,  and is also recommended.

For more information on immunizations and how to have the costs associated with them covered by your health insurance, please contact Pacific Prime Singapore today.

Read more about Pacific Prime.

Email: singapore@pacificprime.com
Phone: +65 6346 3781 

A common expat achilles heel – Plantar Fasciitis

A health problem that has struck Kathy Chamberlain and indeed many expats ‘of a certain age’ soon after their arrival in Singapore is the very painful and inconvenient condition of Plantar Fasciitis (pronounced fash-ee-eye-tus). 

Apparently striking more women than men, often it is upon the sufferer before they know what or why it has struck. Symptoms occur in the form of painful heels particularly on rising from bed in the morning or after sitting for a period of time and is actually caused by an inflammation of the plantar fascia, or the band of muscle under the foot. This muscle band may have small tears and inflammation from recurrent strain, causing pain and swelling in the foot. It can occur in one or both feet and is often accompanied by tight achilles.

Plantar Fasciitis is most commonly seen in people who make poor choices of footwear for a length of time. In the case of many expats it can occur because the muscles in our feet and ankles are unused to spending so much time on hard ( though deliciously cool ) tiled surfaces either bare foot, wearing thin soles ( flip flops, sandals) or any unsupportive footwear. It can also occur in people who have a short calf musculature or a poor ankle range of motion.

Once the condition exists, it can last for an average of 6 weeks and can recur. So it pays to look after our feet!

Prevention is always best, so be mindful of spending time barefoot on hard floors and wearing unsupportive shoes like flip flops.

Treatment and relief options include rest, applying ice to the foot, stretching the calves and massage. Ibuprofen may be used to ease the inflammation but of course won’t treat the actual issue. Stretching the arch of the foot first thing in the morning by bending back the toes, applying ice by rolling a small frozen drink bottle underfoot and massage using a tennis ball on carpet are particularly helpful. Lastly be kind to your feet and try to lose any excess weight.

Specific advice can be sought from a doctor or podiatrist.

A Quirky Take on Diagnosis

The thing about using the tool called ‘diagnosis’ as a method for understanding is that it is in danger of doing the exact opposite – ‘understanding’ I mean.

It’s a very good tool for separating out the slow from the fast, the usual from the different, the sick from the well (bearing in mind the relativity of terms) but Diagnosis does all this organising at what cost exactly?

If knowledge is power as they say, does the knowledge of a diagnosis bring increased power to the individuals concerned? I suppose it depends on which side of the diagnostic fence you sit on.

There is no doubt that diagnosis can often bring comfort. “Thank goodness all those years of professional training haven’t been wasted,” says one. “At least I finally know what or who I am now!” says the other. So comfort has been achieved. But has it brought insight?

One benefit of a diagnosis is that, at the very least, it puts a marker down and unequivocally defines reality – doesn’t it? Well, unfortunately, not necessarily so. It’s much more likely to provide you with a snapshot of the reality of our times – the times we live in – which is a different thing altogether.

For example, a professional Journal I subscribe to ran an article recently, telling us all how medical prescriptions for anti-depressants had risen, yet again, in England to just over 53.3 million within 2012/13 – whilst in 2008 the figure was 35.9 million. So are we all getting more depressed as the twenty first century rolls on, or are diagnostic prescriptions just getting too big for their own boots and a wee bit too enthusiastic for their own good – as well as for the good of our health too?

I noticed a similar phenomenon during an academic exchange visit to the USA in the early 1990’s. At the time, I’d never heard of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) but the University Psychology Group I sat in for a morning were well familiar with the term as if they were talking about their home town or one of the family.

Back in the UK, most of my colleagues had little awareness of this diagnostic classification either. Nearly twenty five years later it’s now a very familiar ‘psychiatric disorder of the neurodevelopmental type’, Wikipedia informing us that, ‘despite being the most commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents, the cause of the majority of cases is unknown’. One can reasonably deduce therefore that an awful lot of certainty is being invested in relative ignorance.

Which all brings me back to the fundamentals of my earlier question – does diagnosis actually help the situation at hand? Does it assist and enrich understanding? Because what we should be talking about here is a serious attempt to really understand the nature of a particular person who, at this particular juncture, has a life concern.

Instead, with so much talk of ‘disorders’ we’re in danger of becoming problem fixated and forget that there’s actually a human being buried underneath all this diagnostic verbiage. Is there a psychiatric term for such a condition I wonder?

What is a ‘Disorder’ anyway? Apart from sounding most unsavoury, as a term, it appears to describe the completely wrong type of socks to warrant inclusion in the orderly sock drawer. It certainly doesn’t present itself as a country you would care to visit or a state of mind you would likely aspire to.

In some quarters, ‘condition’ has replaced ‘disorder’ in a brave attempt to simply describe the existence of a circumstance rather than getting all pejorative about it. In other quarters, there is an even braver movement towards asking the person concerned how they themselves would like to explain their predicament? Apart from sounding like a well-mannered and civil thing to do, this also represents a shift towards encouraging self-definition – self labelling if you will – rather than being obliged to accept the label imposed on you.

Which leads me to a personal confession of sorts – as well as to the source of my own diagnostic training.

I think – I’m pretty convinced actually – that my father had an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He was OCD. There we have it. It’s out there now and there’s no going back. Completely escaping diagnosis or course, because by all accounts and for want of a better phrase, he was as sane as you or me – if that’s anything to go by. Yet my belief is that definite OCD traits were part of my Dad which he carried around with him for probably all of his adult life – along with other parts of course, that in sum total made him the man he was.

How do I know this?

It wasn’t difficult really. I knew it well before I knew about it, so to speak. As a child, I remember sitting in the back seat of our Morris Traveller waiting for my Dad to get in and drive us off somewhere. He, in turn, would still be glued to the front door, obliged to lock it, unlock it, then lock it again, this cycle repeating itself over and over again. Sometimes he would also have to touch the door handle for a specific number of times too. My Dad stuck to the spot, his son observing his behaviour, always fascinated and often irritated. My Dad finally forcing himself to break away from the gravitational pull of this mental entrapment to turn and face the anxious consequences of the unknown – from which (we all know deep in our hearts) there is no final escape.

Arriving at last to the car I would often challenge him accusingly. “What were you doing?” knowing intuitively exactly what he was doing. “Nothing,” he would say. “Just locking up.” Although only young, I knew what he was doing perhaps as much or even more than he knew himself. Because I was an observer of another’s behaviour and it’s safer that way when you’re trying to understand the workings of yourself at the same time.

I knew, because I could feel his anxiety. I knew because it was my anxiety too, the only difference being that mine wasn’t being played out so openly at the front door for others to see. I could see his so clearly because I could feel my own so acutely.

Because if you think about life – about the process of living – too much, it can be frightening – indeed overwhelmingly so at times. There is probably an optimum level to think about your life. Too little, perhaps your life is too unexamined and you could do with letting a bit more in! But too much thinking can make you realise how precarious your safety actually is. In other words, it’s OK to walk the narrow edge of life just so long as you don’t look down too much or too often, but once you do, then the wobbling is liable to start and after that there’s surely only the fall left – or so you fear.

My Dad’s OCD, in its own way, protected him. He over-examined his life, saw how scary it actually was as a result and because he persisted in looking, he found that he needed protection. He found a strategy of success to counter his existential crisis – being all quite logical really – when you think about it.

So in conclusion, perhaps one way to more fundamentally understand others is to start up your very own self labelling society. Find a fitting label and try it on for size – for a short while at the very least. Noticing your own ‘Disorders’ (because I’m sure we’re all riddled through with many) and diagnosing them may not be a bad thing to do at all. It could actually be a good thing. Empathy and a deeper level of understanding others could be one result?


Dr Geoff McNulty
Senior Lecturer in Education, Guidance & Counselling at James Cook University, Singapore.

Read more about JCU.

New Sky Gym to open at Loewen Gardens

For parents looking for kids gym classes, Sky Gym will launch a gymnasium in a newly developed space at Loewen Gardens in September. It will feature a nine metre long tumble track trampoline.

The Sky Gym outlet will cover 250 square meters of floor space and contain a wide range of gymnastic apparatus to cater to children from 12 months to 7 years of age. 
Sky Gym has been providing general gymnastics classes to kids in Singapore since 2005. Its programmes are tailored to the needs of children at many different levels. 
“Sky Gym at Loewen Gardens will be among the largest and best equipped gymnasiums in Singapore catering specifically toward young children,” says Kevin Lam, Gym Consultant, Sky Gym. “Gymnastics offers children many benefits, from fitness and flexibility, to confidence and discipline. We will be offering a range of programmes geared toward aiding the development of children in a fun, rewarding and non-competitive environment.”
Sky Gym will initially offer three programmes; Gymtots, Kindergym and Recreation programmes first before providing higher levels. All session are run by qualified coaches who teach the children progressive skills and monitor their progress closely.

Why not try it out at Sky Gym’s Open Day on 6th September. 
There are 2 sessions: 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm.

More details on Sky Gym please call 62554230.

75A Loewen Road, 
Loewen Gardens,
Singapore 248844

The Right Team for Your Kids

We all want our children to learn the right skills in order to become successful in their later lives, but all books and no play is definitely not the way to go. Studies have shown that organised sports and being a part of a team translate into boardroom success. Why? It’s simple; they will learn invaluable qualities of Excellence, Respect and Friendship, and these will take them a long, long way.

To achieve Excellence, students need to get familiar with a well-balanced routine that encompasses sports and work. Sports instils the importance of discipline and self-confidence through the physical, mental and emotional training that they undergo. We also know that from the FORBES 500 lists, there is a high correlation between sporting ability and academic achievement, with many top CEOs and business leaders being part of their school sports teams from a young age. For those with young children, it is also proven that children involved in sports obtain better grades and have a higher probability of graduating from school.

As the saying goes, there is no “I” in team, and participating in sports has a unique way of fostering long-standing friendships and great intercommunication skills;—soft skills that are essential for future success. With increased opportunities for social interaction and bonding, children will learn superior verbal and non-verbal skills, and the intricacies of respecting others values and beliefs. Working with team mates toward a common goal (winning)allows sportsmen to truly hone this “language” while understanding the true meaning of teamwork.

Sports is a vital part of our DNA at the Australian International School (AIS). To help contribute to our students physical well-being, we have in place a well-developed physical activities program that is complemented by the student team, the Sharks. No matter which field of sport your kid has an interest in, from badminton to volleyball, AIS Sharks team coaches are part of the dedicated sports department will support athletic development. The focus they place is on the journey of learning, and not winning itself.

Our students also have the chance to participate in one of the most comprehensive international sports programs in Singapore, which will see the Sharks teams across all sports participate in global tournaments. Successful tours have seen our teams travel to the UK and Thailand and in the coming year Spain and South America. These tournaments promote cultural learning and interaction with the players not only playing competitive sports, but also participating in classrooms at the host schools to maintain academic as well as athletic performance.

Sporty kids make for happier kids, and happy kids in turn create happy parents! As we prepare our children to enter the increasingly competitive global circuit, it is important to balance mental, physical and psychological health, apart from focusing on the accomplishments of your child. Justin Teves, Sports Director at AIS says “Our sports program is dedicated to bringing out the potential in our players. Our dedicated team of coaches are specialists in their fields and we are constantly evolving our approach to give our students a truly global perspective on sports and athletics with the training and opportunities to match. This helps them achieve more both in the classroom and on the pitch, giving them an advantage as they progress through school and beyond.”

To learn more head to Australian International School’s next Open House event on Thursday, 14 August 2014. To RSVP call +65 6517 0247 or email admissions@ais.com.sg.

Australian International School
1 Lorong Chuan, Singapore 556818
Tel: (+65) 6883 5155

Read more about AIS.

Water Theme Parks and Swimming Complexes

For anybody looking to cool down with a splash in Singapore’s warm climate we feature two prominent water theme parks, both of which are suitable for young families as kids can tag along with parents for some thrills. Singapore also has a great range of public swimming complexes, some of which feature slides and water play zones.


Adventure Cove Waterpark Sentosa
Sentosa’s Adventure Cove is Singapore’s upmarket water park with an entry price to match. It features a wave pool, a dazzling snorkel reef, six fabulous water slides, a lazy river with marine life behind glass viewing panels and at extra cost, immersive marine encounters with rays, sharks and dolphins. Life jackets and tubes are supplied free of cost. 
Lockers are available independently at the entrance for $10 (small) or $20 (large) and are accessible for the whole day, however they can be a good walk from the rides. 
If money is not an issue, the express pass is $10 or $20 extra depending whether or not entry is at peak time of year which is specified on line. The pass gives one time access to the Riptide and Rainbow Reef (snorkelling) but unlimited access to all others rides or activities. 
An alternative is to buy tickets on line (print out at home), arrive early and firstly target Riptide and Rainbow Reef. 
Also available are centrally located cabanas at $68 which come with two towels and drinking water. 
For food and beverage options the park has its own range of food stalls and restaurants.

Daily 10am – 6pm
$36 / Adult     $26 / Child (4-12 years)     $26 / Senior
Height requirements of 1.7 & 1.22m apply and are listed on the website for each ride. 
Specific directions are listed on website.
Resorts World Sentosa
6577 8888 | rwsentosa.com

Wild Wild Wet
Wild Wild Wet is a commercial water theme park with a local, almost retro flavour. Consequently it is more costly than the public swimming complexes run by Singapore Sports Council but there are MORE rides. It has a lazy river with floats, a variety of great slides, highlights are The Waterworks, Ular-lah and Slide Up, a wave pool and a good sized engaging toddler area. Lockers are $2 or $3 dependent on size and (take note) this cost is for single access. Life jackets and tubes are supplied free of cost. NTUC card gives entry discount.
There is a variety of eateries both onsite and just outside ranging from hawker stalls to Mcdonalds. Staff give a pass to leave and re-enter the park.
Amenities can get very crowded  – expect to wait for some time, for the ladies’ shower area. 
Also pathways and floor areas around the park can be a tad rough under foot.
Mon, Wed – Fri  1.00-7.00pm (closed Tuesdays)
Weekends / Singapore School Holidays / Gazetted Public Hols  10.00am – 7.00pm  
$60 / Family of 4           Child $14 / Adult $19 
Minimum height requirement of 1.2m applies for rides. 
1 Pasir Ris Close
6581 9128 | wildwildwet.com

Public Swimming Pools

Singapore’s public pools generally have great amenities with some having slides and whirpools. The ones we’ve listed are all very modern with 50m lap pools, water slides and toddler and training pools. Change facilities and lockers (at a small cost) are also provided.  
Minimum height requirements of 1.2m generally apply for the slides.
For a full list of Singapore’s swimming complexes visit singaporeswimming.com.sg

Sengkang Swimming Complex
Located by the Sengkang river in the midst of one of Singapores newest estates is its best and largest swimming complex. Though a bit further from the city centre Sengkang swimming complex is acessible by MRT to Sengkang plus another small leg of light rail to Farmway then a five min walk.
Within the complex is a 50m competition pool, two teaching pools a toddlers fun pool, a jacuzzi, and eight good slides. The slides aren’t of the standard of Wild Wild Wet but at $2 FOR ENTRY?? is unbeatable value for kids’ entertainment.
Weekends   Adult / $2   Child / $1    (weekdays cheaper rate)
Daily   8.00am – 9.30pm.  (Mon closed)
57 Anchorvale Road | 6315 3574
Jurong East Swimming Complex
This is also one of Singapore’s best and largest swimming complexes with a 50m competition pool, a wave pool, a lazy river, three water slides, a jacuzzi, spraying fountain and a toddler ‘fun station’ pool. Kids have a fun-filled time here and once again though it is not Wild Wild Wet, it is certainly a bargain and well worth a visit.
Weekends   Adult / $2   Child / $1   (weekdays cheaper rate)
Daily   8.00am – 9.30pm.   (Mon closed)
21 Jurong East Street 31 | 6896 3566
Jurong West Swimming Complex
Quieter than Jurong East Swimming Complex, it is still great for families. There is a sheltered 50m lap pool, a teaching pool, a lazy river, a Jacuzzi, a toddler pool spraying fountain and a slide. The complex is unusual for the fact of having two 50m pools, one of which is sheltered. This means that there is still shelter for spectators and swimmers on a rainy day.
Weekends   Adult / $2   Child / $1 (weekdays cheaper rate)
Daily   8.00am – 9.30pm.  (Tues closed)
20 Jurong West St 93 | 6515 5332
Choa Chu Kang Swimming Complex
This newish complex has it all including a 50m lap pool, wave pool, waterslide, lazy river, spa and whirpool.
Weekends  Adult / $2   Child / $1
Daily   8.00am – 9.30pm.   (Mon closed)
1 Choa Chu Kang St 53 | 6767 8606

Important things to bear in mind…

LIghtning AlertsSingapore has one of the highest rates of lightning activity in the world. Lying near the equator, the weather is hot and humid almost all year round. Conditions are favourable for the development of lightning producing thunderstorm clouds. Thunder storms will most often occur in the afternoon between 2-6pm. If the Singapore Meteorological Service signals lightening within a 6-8km radius, a lightening alert siren will sound and the pool will close. 

Peak times: At any of Singapore’s water parks and swimming pools, weekends, public holidays and school holidays both local and international are peak times. 
Avoid the queues and crowds and go early or late if possible.

Splash and Play Zones

With Singapore’s consistently warm humid weather, pack the kid’s swimmers and towel for a spot of water play. It will give the extra fun factor to a shopping expedition or a day of sightseeing.  

Here we list some options for wet play zones around the island generally for the under 10’s. All these sites feature a wonderful mix of water fountains and showers, spray jets, mini shallow pools and rubber flooring with a variety of themes.

Gardens By the Bay, Far East Organization Children’s Garden – Free 
Pictured above there is a Water Play Zone, and Toddler Play Zone as well as Rainforest Tree Houses.
Tuesday* to Friday     10:00am – 7:00pm     Last admission at 6:30pm
*Closed on Tuesday if a public holiday falls on the preceding Monday.
Weekends & Public Holidays   9:00am – 9:00pm     Last admission 8:30pm

Marina Barrage – Free 
8 Marina Gardens Drive
Open all day every day.

112 Katong – Free 
112 East Coast Road – corner East Coast Road and Joo Chiat Road.
Open from 10am – 10pm daily.

IMM WaterPlay Park – Free 
IMM Shopping Mall, Level 3 Garden Plaza,  2 Jurong East Street 21
Open 10am – 10pm daily.

Nex Shopping Mall – Free 
23 Serangoon Central Serangoon, Rooftop
Open 11am – 9pm daily

NorhtpointShopping Centre – Free 
930 Yishun Avenue 2
Open 11am – 9.30pm daily.

Sembawang Shopping Centre – Free 
Level 3, 604 Sembawang Road
Open 10am – 10pm daily.

Tampines 1– Free 
10 Tampines Central 1, Tampines
Open 10am – 9:30pm daily – Mondays closed from 4pm.

Vivo City-Sky Park
Vivocity Level 3, 1 HarbourFront Walk
Open 10am – 10pm daily. 

Jacob Ballas Childrens GardenFree
481 Bukit Timah Road
Open 8am – 7pm Tuesday – Sunday (closed Mondays)

Port of Lost Wonder
Located at Sentosa this site has a huge pirate ship as its centre piece with oodles of slides, fountains and buckets of water. Something for everyone here. 
A wading pool for the little ones and for the older (7 years +) kids Pipeline Plunge and Spiral Washout.
Admission charges are applicable for the participation of children 12 years and under.
Accompanying adults enter for free “with a hug from the child”.
Weekdays / $10   Weekends and Holidays / $15
10.00am to 6.30pm daily.   Water Play Area closes at 6pm
Closed bimonthly for cleaning and maintenance (check facebook). 
Specific Sentosa location, directions and map on website and facebook.  
www.polw.com.sg | 736 8672
Jurong Bird Park 
Managed by Wildlife Reserves Singapore this award winning bird paradise has one of the largest collections of birds in the world. It also has a good wet play area for the kids called Birdz of Play. 
Weekdays   11:00 – 17:30
School holidays / PH / Weekends   9:00am – 17:30pm
Bird Park Opening Hours   8.30am to 6.00pm daily
Adult / $25  Child / $16   Senior / $10
2 Jurong Hill | 6265 0022

Science Centre – Water Works
The Science Centre offers scientific and interactive exhibits, covering a range of topics. There are 2 waterplay zones here, one of the exhibits is devoted to the theme of water exploration. Within the exhibit there is a Waterclock Tower measuring rainfall, wind speed and direction, a  Water Maze with water jets, a Water Saver activity measuring routine daily water usage and lastly a Giant Dryer to dry off. 
Usual time frame for this section is 15-20 mins.
Session times vary. See website for details
Adult / $12  Child / $8   Senior / $6
15 Science Centre Road | 6425 2500 

Singapore Zoo – Rainforest Kids World
Singapores Zoo, a great experience in itself also has an animal themed wet play area with water jets, slides, jumbo water buckets and rain arches.
Zoo Opening Hours   8.30am to 6.00pm daily
Wet play 9.00 to 5.30
Adult / $28  Child / $18
80 Mandai Lake Rd | 6269 3411 

Are Singapore Expat Packages a thing of the past?

Despite a widely held belief that international financial services professionals are employed on expat packages, new research has revealed that this perception is far from reality.

An overwhelming 83{95a2435e1d5758f6d9d5615cfe8f4203fd5bccff0e058dcf69a7b31d3a698e0b} of overseas professionals based in Singapore say they have never been
employed on an expat package according to a recent survey from leading careers website
eFinancialCareers, which polled over 1,000 employed bankers and finance professionals based in
“A common misconception exists about the prevalence of expat packages in Singapore but our
survey shows they have almost become a thing of the past. In recent years there has been a
definitive shift away from them.” said George McFerran, Global Sales & Marketing Director at
He added: “financial services firms are becoming increasingly cost conscious and Singapore’s status
as an attractive place to live and work has also been a key driver. It is a leading financial centre
where professionals can develop their careers in a safe and enjoyable environment, meaning expat
packages aren’t needed to attract talent. The recent focus to proactively develop the Singaporean
talent pool could mean we see the already small number of expat packages further diminish.”

The research suggests that the move away from the expat packages could have a positive impact on
company culture. As 62{95a2435e1d5758f6d9d5615cfe8f4203fd5bccff0e058dcf69a7b31d3a698e0b} of Singaporean financial services professionals think that expat packages
cause friction in the office and 55{95a2435e1d5758f6d9d5615cfe8f4203fd5bccff0e058dcf69a7b31d3a698e0b} of them believe that foreigners are receiving preferential
treatment in the work place.

McFerran concluded: “there is a clear disconnect between perception and reality when it comes to
the number of overseas professionals that are on expat packages. Employers that are transparent
with their workforce and clearly communicate that expat packages are not the norm will stand to
achieve greater office harmony. This is a crucial part of building a positive corporate culture and is an
increasingly valuable retention tool.”

About the Survey
The eFinancialCareers Career Trends Survey was conducted between April and May 2014. The survey
polled a total of 1,142 employed bankers and finance professionals based in Singapore. Respondents
were asked about their career satisfaction and aspirations, and where they would want to work, if
given the choice, and why.

About eFinancialCareers
eFinancialCareers, a Dice Holdings Inc. service, is the world’s leading financial services careers
website, and the place to go for financial careers and talent.
