ANZA Admin Links

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Advertising Booking Portal



Miscellaneous Payment Link

 Media Kit


Inserting an image into MembershipWorks emails:

<p><img src="" alt="" width="600" height="96" /></p>


Inserting a menu into a sports page (remove the spaces directly inside the brackets):

[ insert page='athletics-menu' display='content' ]

This will display as follows:



Inserting a menu into a sports page (remove the spaces directly inside the brackets):

[ insert page='sponsored-content-tag' display='content' ]

This will display as follows:

  •  Sponsored Content 


This is an Excel formula to convert MembershipWorks’ date format to an Excel date:


This parses the date in BC2 which should be in the format ‘Mar 12, 2017’.


This parses the date in P2 which should be in the format ‘Mar 09 2008’.



These links take to you to the 3 reports

New members

Renewed members

All Members