Scouts | ANZA


The world of Scouts has developed a lot over the years. ANZA Scouts will always have a dynamic, fun and adventurous programme at its core that encourages children of every gender and age from 5-18 to learn new skills, explore Singapore’s great outdoors and develop confidence. But the experiences don’t stop there!

The ANZA Scout group like to do things. During their weekly meet-ups at different locations around the island the various groups might play games, try crafts, sing songs, learn survival and leadership skills, volunteer in the community, or develop teamwork and organisational skills through working in small groups and arranging their own activities.

The cooking of pineapple tarts around Chinese New Year, kayaking around Kallang, trips to Lazarus Island and creating pottery during a visit to the Dragon’s Kiln have been some of the favourite activities. However, the highlight for every ANZA Scout member is the annual Summer Camp, a two day extravaganza held at Sarimbun Scout Camp.

Indeed, we like to educate our Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers about the world around them. Visits to local museums, places of historic and natural significance and dedicated facilities are just as important as physical activities. Excursions have seen the groups head to Bishan Fire Station as well as exploring the nature around Bukit Brown cemetery.

Scouting is a great way for kids and adults to make new friends and become part of a friendly and respectful community. The ANZA Scout group is affiliated with the Singapore Scouts Association and Scouts Australia and the programmes are run by parent volunteers. Children are grouped into appropriate age group sections. The graduated programme allows kids to move from section to section as they develop and mature. ANZA Scouts is welcoming and inclusive and the programme is open to children from any background.

Join ANZA Scouts by registering here or book a free trial using the link above. Registration to ANZA Scouts is only available to ANZA members. Click here to Join ANZA!

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